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Tips to Help Clean Up Your Diet

By Maya Carducci

Whether you are starting your health and fitness journey or already begun, there is always room for diet improvements. Nowadays, foods are filled with extra ingredients, high sodium, and chemicals that most people overlook. Here are a few ways to clean up your diet and get rid of potentially harmful ingredients that may even stagnate your fitness and diet goals.

Shop the perimeter of the store. Generally most grocery stores are set up in a similar way, and the perimeter of the store is where the freshest products are. This includes produce, meats, and foods that are most conducive to helping you with your weight loss or diet goals. Processed foods are usually in the middle of the store and it is best to try to start grabbing more fresh items instead. Processed foods tend to have higher levels of sugar, sodium, fats, and extra ingredients. In addition, processed foods are linked to higher levels of inflammation.

Check ingredients labels. It is best to find foods that have very short ingredient lists because this way you know exactly what you are consuming. Many foods have long lists of additives, dyes, and chemicals to help the foods taste better. Staying away from items like that will definitely help your stomach and your entire body feel better. If you don’t believe me, try eating whole foods for a day and see how you feel. In addition, products with fewer ingredients are generally healthier for you.

Probiotics. Maintaining good gut health is essential for a healthy body and mind. Many processed foods can harm your gut health because your stomach and digestive system has to break down complex ingredients. Having more bad bacteria in your gut can lead to diseases like ulcerative colitis. Your gut bacteria affects your brain function, heart, kidneys, and appetite levels. To add good bacteria in your gut, reach for probiotics like kombucha and various fermented foods or drinks.

Eating healthy is not as complicated or expensive as most people think. Try to view it as investing in yourself and your body. You only have one body, so why not keep it clean and healthy from the inside out. Want more nutrition tips? JPFIT4LIFE can help. Set up your FREE virtual consultation TODAY by emailing or calling 802-522-6521.

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