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The 5 Best At Home Workouts

People are constantly looking for ways to improve their physical health and fitness. Due to nationwide lockdowns, the ability to workout in a gym environment seemed nearly impossible. However, there are still several exercises that don’t require complex gym equipment. If you are trying to get back into your workout routine without leaving your home, these exercises are proven to help you reach your best workout.

1.Equipment Free Core Exercises

Core exercises are one of the easiest at home workouts, because they require little equipment and space. In order to strengthen your obliques, try russian twists, bicycle crunches, side planks, or cross body mountain climbers. Exercises specific to strengthening your lower abs include leg raises, scissor kicks, jackknifes, and hollow body holds. Lastly, to target your upper abs try sit-ups, crunches, and front plank walk outs.

2.Dumbbell Upper Body Exercises

With a set of free weights, you can target any muscle group. Many dumbbell exercises can be done in one small place. Bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, bent over rows, chest press, and alternating forward and lateral raises provide an effective but simple workout. In order to focus on your muscular endurance, use a lighter weight and less reps for each exercise. If you are looking to build muscle, increase your weight and lower your reps.

3.Dumbell Lower Body Exercises

You can use the same set of free weights to also strengthen your lower body muscles. For example, try overhead squats, side squats or bulgarian split squats to elevate your lower body workout. Another effective exercise is Romanian deadlifts. Lunges are also a great way to improve your flexibility, strength, and overall range of motion. Lunge exercises can include reverse lunges, side lunges, and curtsy lunges. Dumbbell exercises, upper body and lower body, provide an adequate workout without the stress of complicated gym equipment.

4.Body Weight Strength Exercises

Any exercise can be done without dumbbells, using your body weight. Body weight exercises are convenient, efficient, and free! Body weight squats strengthen your quads, hips, and glutes, as well as increase your range of motion in your lower body. Pushups are one of the most effective exercises for your upper body. All body weight exercises provide the foundation to reach your fitness goals.

5.Low-Impact Cardio Exercises

If you’re looking to burn fat or increase your endurance, cardio exercises are a great place to start. There is a wide range of low-impact cardio exercises that you can do from your home. Burpees are a great way to target multiple muscle groups at once, and get your heart rate up. Shoulders, core, glutes, and quads are all activated during a burpee. High knees, butt kicks, jumping jacks, and squat jumps are some of the best at home cardio exercises.

These five at home workouts couldn’t be more convenient and effective. You can still achieve your fitness goals, and target major muscle groups, through the comfort of your home. Try incorporating some of these exercises into your daily routine. For more ways to motivate yourself, reach out to JP FIT4LIFE for a FREE virtual consultation TODAY. Email or call 8025226521! Join the team today!

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