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Sticking to Your New Years Resolution

Every new year, we set resolutions and attempt to stick to them. However, the reality of life makes it difficult to stay on track with our fitness goals and journey. If you want to get in shape this new year but don’t know where to start, this blog will help you stick to your fitness resolutions.

Set Goals

As you begin your fitness journey this new year, it is important to set goals for yourself along the way. Goal setting leads to long-term success and gives you motivation throughout the year. Your goals should be measurable, attainable, specific, and timely. Whatever your fitness journey comprises this new year, setting goals for yourself will give you direction.

Monitor Your Progress

Throughout the year, track your progress in a fitness log. There is a greater likelihood of you reaching your end-of-year goals. Tracking allows you to recognize the areas you need to grow in and improve upon. This will also encourage you to stay focused on what is working and what will help you achieve real results.

Hold Yourself Accountable

Consistency is key to sticking to your New Year's resolutions. There are several easy ways to hold yourself accountable. Try blocking out time on your weekly calendar to work towards your fitness goals. Ask a friend or family member to attend a workout class with you or go on a run with you. Having someone else hold you accountable will help motivate you to work towards your end-of-year goals.

Be Realistic

Creating resolutions that are unattainable and unrealistic will damage your motivation during your fitness journey. Setting realistic workout expectations will give you the best results. A huge mistake you can make is setting too many goals for yourself at one time. Your fitness journey is not linear, and you should be prepared for challenges along the way.

In conclusion, in order to stick with your New Year's resolutions, try setting realistic goals, tracking your progress along the way, and being consistent in your journey. Try having a positive and open mindset about health and fitness this new year. Remember that each new day in 2023 is a new opportunity to improve yourself. Email us at or call (802) 522-6521 to talk about how you can meet your new year's fitness goals. We want you to be the best version of yourself this year!

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