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How to Stay on Track During the Holidays

By Maya Carducci

With the holidays coming up, it is easy to lose consistency and sway off track of your goals. While it is completely okay to give yourself a break, it is important to not lose consistency for too long such that you give up on all your hard work you’ve already put in towards your goals. Here are a few ways to keep up with your healthy lifestyle through the holidays.

Stay active. If you are not hitting the gym like during your normal schedule, try to find ways to stay active throughout the day. Parking farther from the grocery store, going for a morning walk before festivities, or doing a fast at home workout are simple ways to stay active during times where the gym doesn’t fit in.

Portion control. When the holidays come around, you will always be surrounded by amazing food. Try to grab reasonably sized portions of the foods you want to avoid overeating. This way you are still enjoying all your favorite foods and within a healthy moderation.

Intuitive eating. In addition to portion control, eating intuitively can aid with overeating. Eating slower and listening to your body’s hunger queues is important to make sure you are eating enough while also not stuffing yourself to the point where you regret everything you just ate.

Definitely allow yourself to take a break and indulge in your favorite foods, and using these tips will help you not lose your progress while being able to enjoy yourself. Remember, everything in moderation. Interested in more nutrition and fitness tips? JPFIT4LIFE can help. Set up your FREE virtual consultation TODAY by emailing or calling 802-522-6521.

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