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How to Recover Like a Pro

By Maya Carducci

The exercises are certainly one of the main focuses on your fitness journey, however, what is done outside of the gym is just as important. In order to see the desired results, diet and recovery are key. Here are a few ways to make sure you are recovering and on track for the results you want.

Diet. You must maintain a balanced diet in order for your muscles to rebuild and hypertrophy efficiently. In addition, having a balanced diet will give you adequate energy for the next workout. Be sure you are in either a slight caloric deficit or a caloric surplus. Stick to whole foods and limit treat foods to ensure you are maintaining a nutritionally dense diet. Drink enough water in a day as well to keep your body hydrated.

Stretching. Warm ups and cool downs are just as important as the workout itself. Dynamic stretching before your workout helps with mobility and injury resistance. Static stretching after your workout helps your body recover and relieves stress and tension from your muscles. If a workout really made you sore, foam rolling will help massage muscles and increase relief of soreness.

Sleep. This one is so important because your body needs rest. When your body is trying to recover from a workout, it needs at least 7-8 hours of good sleep. Rest days are also important to give your body room since the last time those muscles were worked. Doing back to back workouts for the same body parts will increase fatigue and burnout of those muscles.

Always listen to how your body feels and adjust your workouts and diet accordingly. Want more fitness tips? JPFIT4LIFE can help. Set up your FREE virtual consultation TODAY by emailing or calling 802-522-6521.

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