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How to Have a Healthy Relationship with Food

By Maya Carducci

I know, we have all glanced at that nutrition label and tried to mentally add up how many calories this snack will count towards the day of eating. However, I am here to say that there is no need; you can still reach your weight loss or health goals without counting calories or even diets. Here are a few keys to having a positive relationship with food.

Eat intuitively. Meaning to be mindful of how full you are while you are eating and mindful of your selection of foods. It is easy for us to mindlessly eat until we feel sick. A way to avoid this is to listen to your body and eat to the point where you are comfortably full. An easy way to pace how fast you are eating is to drink water throughout your meal.

Don’t be restrictive with food. There shouldn’t be any food considered “bad”. Gauge foods on quality, how nutritious it is for your body, and keep the less nutritious ones in moderation. Being mindful about how nutritious foods are will help you gravitate towards better selections. Even if you want that slice of cake, bag of chips, or bottle of soda, choose to have healthy amounts of it. For example, one glass, a few bites, or a small bowl are healthy portions. Every macronutrient, protein, fat, and carbohydrate are essential for your body, therefore, always be sure to eat a balance of each macronutrient group.

Add daily physical activities. Aim to be more active in a day. The more energy you expend, simply means that your body needs more food to keep operating. Especially if you workout, you will have to eat more food than normal in order for your body to function and recover correctly.

You shouldn’t feel bad about feeding your own body. Food is fuel for the energy that your body needs to operate everyday. A good overall tip is to keep everything in moderation and be intuitive about what you are choosing to eat while on your healthy lifestyle journey.

Want to further your nutritional and health goals even more? JPFIT4LIFE can help. Set up your FREE virtual consultation TODAY by emailing or calling 802-522-6521.

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