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Compound Movements: Essential to Leg Day

By: Alex Fazzari

Do you want strong, toned legs this summer? What if I told you that the exercises you were doing on your leg days might be wasting precious time toward that aspiration? Light accessory workouts will not grow your muscles without the addition of heavy compound movements that work multiple muscle groups at once. Do not enter the summer without reaching your leg goals. To maximize the effectiveness of your leg workouts and reach those summer leg goals, incorporate these four staple compound movements into your leg days.

1. Deadlift. These are essential for growing your glute and hamstring strength. The conventional deadlift is reliable, but try to filter in Romanian deadlifts and sumo deadlifts to keep things challenging and interesting.

2. Bulgarian split squats. These primarily work your quads and abductors. However, if you lean your body forward and create a hinge at the hip, these can be a game-changer for glute growth.

3. Hip thrust. These work not only the glutes, but also the hamstrings and quads. Pause at the top for an extra burn. The heavier the better!

4. Back squat. This is the old reliable workout for quads and abductors. However, going below parallel on the squat and driving through your heels also activates the glutes. Channel that mind-muscle connection and keep your hips tucked in!

Add variations of these movements into your leg days and you will see a difference. Don't wake up in June and realize you are only seeing minimal, if any, progress from all of your hard work. Work smarter and make each workout count! Here at JP FIT4LIFE, we have more tips like this to ensure you are maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts, for both the upper and lower body. Set up your FREE virtual consultation TODAY. Email or call 8025226521 to unlock your summer body!

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